Our main focus is planting and digging small to medium caliper trees for retail customers.
We are committed to customer service. One of the ways this happens on our farm is that you are able to pick out your own tree. You are able to ride around the tree farm with a knowledgeable staff member to find the perfect tree for you, your family and your home. We are also committed to digging your tree at the best time of year.
During the summer months a tree is pushing out leaves and doing a lot of growth, it is very hard on a tree to be dug at this time. Therefore we only dig when we are certain trees are dormant, this allows for the best results for you and for these trees. Normal digging times are December through February, but every year is different so it may be a bit earlier or later.
These are easily planted with a couple of people who are able to roll the 250 lb root ball. We strive to give you a tree that will replant well, so we keep our root balls a little larger than other nurseries. This does make them a little harder to maneuver, but it gives you the peace of mind that the shock to the tree is reduced.
We are connected with a local landscaper who will plant small to medium caliper trees for you.
For large trees, we have a 65" truck spade.
This can transplant trees up to 6" caliper trees, depending on the variety.
We also have access to a 90" truck spade that can move trees even larger.
Please use the contact information on the contact page to talk about these options with our team. It is best to give us a call before coming out to pick a tree so that we are available to assist you. If you are looking for a specific variety or species refer to the Tree List page, this will have the varieties available for sale this year.